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Welcome! Tervetuloa!
I am so happy that You found Gamila Design Jewelry Shop and hope you will enjoy your visit and my latest collection of necklaces and earrings. And what I do not have, I can make - like bracelets. So please ask!
Gamila Design is my pride and joy. All necklaces and earrings are unique, one of the kind - like You - and hand-made with genuine materials like semi-precious stones, fresh water pearls, wood, recycled glass and crystals.
If you find something you like, you can pay with PayPal or Klarna (pay later). I deliver your purchase reliably and safely all over the world. And as I am constantly designing new pieces, come and visit the store again.
If you wish to read the whole story behind all this, click here
Olet lämpimästi tervetullut tutustumaan Gamila Designin koruihin, jotka ovat uniikkeja - kuten Sinäkin! Korujen materiaaleina käytän puolijalokiviä, makeanveden helmiä, puuta, kierrätyslasia ja kristalleja. Korut ovat yhden naisen ilo ja hullutus, ja ne on tehty omin käsin Suomessa.
Jos löydät jotain itsellesi mieluista, voit maksaa ostoksesi PayPalilla tai Klarnalla. Teen jatkuvasti uusia koruja, joten kannattaa tulla myös uudestaan!
Haluatko lukea Gamila-korujen koko tarinan? Se löytyy täältä.
A story of a special wrist watch and a necklace
I want to share with you a story of one customer, who had a special wish.
"The wrist watch was my gift wish for Christmas. I got it from my family and that is why it is dear to me. But I also appreciate the story of the manufacturer, Aarni: nature, responsibility, being Finnish. I proudly use both of these together. Thank you for fulfilling my wish!"
I decided to use bright blue, recycled Ghana glass beads, lapis lazuli, lava and tiger's eye beeds. The result is a perfect match!
Do you have something special in mind? I also design necklaces, earrings and bracelets according to your wishes and measures. Be in touch, maybe I can help you! Click here for contact information.
Onko Sinulla erityisiä toiveita, esim. tietty asu, johon haluaisit juuri siihen sopivan korun? Ota yhteyttä tästä linkistä!